PUSSY POWER: The Art of Yoni Healing


Image: Liu Yuanshou

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”


I have always been as open and honest in my writing as I can be, I have also been open and honest when it comes to telling my stories; both mundane and Magick, and the point in the road where the two intersect.

One of the main pieces of my story is my hysterectomy, not only did the surgery change my Magick, it changed my body, my mind and essentially my Soul. Going in to the whole ordeal I had no idea, exactly, what I was getting myself in to and how badly it would hurt me in the end.

As my Gramma always told me, “Hurt is the best teacher but it can be your demise, too. Choose carefully.”

It took me a long time to truly understand what she meant.

We can choose to hold on to the hurt and let it consume us, make us bitter and cynical or we can choose to feel the hurt, heal the hurt, and allow ourselves to grow from the hurt.

Gramma also said, “it rhymes with dirt for a reason.”

She was truly the wisest Woman I knew, and she, too, had a hysterectomy; both my Grandmas, in fact, along with my Aunts, and my Mother, too.

The pain of the empty womb space runs deep in my family line; a pain I carry so deeply, so intensely, and so sacredly inside.

This post may be about me but it is written for you.

I am writing this to all the Women who have sent me messages with questions asking how did I deal with this trauma; that’s what is, a trauma.

This is to the Women who, like me, felt their Divine Feminine was taken from them.

This is to the Women who are told by society that we are defined by our organs, and how many children we bear.

This is to the Women who are taking their Power back.

This is to the Women whose Pussy Power knows no bounds.

I was nudged to finally write this article after my SiStar, Nuit Moore shared a piece of writing I urge you all to read.

Let’s first talk about me and my Pussy so that you know our backstory, then I am going to give you some tips that completely changed my sexual world and how I exist in it.

I am by no means a Woman’s health expert, nor am I a Yoni expert, I am simply sharing my story in hopes that it can help my fellow Wombn. See what I did there?

I am my Sister and my Sister is me.

Before I get into my story let me warn you and say that there may be TRIGGERS in this blog for some of you. The story DOES CONTAIN (very little) TALK OF SEXUAL ABUSE AND RAPE. I want this article to empower you not send you into a spiral.

I will give you the abbreviated version so that I can get right to the good stuff and let you know how to set your Pussy Power free!

I was sexually abused as a child, and raped twice in my early twenties, I lost my virginity at 18; late among my friends who were active since they were 13-14. I think the late sexual activity had to do with my INFJ traits, but I did masturbate from a very young age. I was always in touch with the sexual side of myself (no pun intended, ha), and at times it most certainly was devious.

Until the age of 26 I was extremely promiscuous and as mentioned in previous blogs it’s because I was suppressing my Magick and acting out; sex became my form of self-harm.

It was at this time that my third irregular pap smear came back and Planned Parenthood (who I routinely saw for my Gynecological health) told me that they had helped as much as they could but I needed to be seen by a Specialist.

At this point I had no clue how important my Pussy was, I had no clue how important my Moon Blood was; Magick until this point came natural, and it was not in the form of being connected to the Goddess or my Feminine side for that matter. In hindsight I was extremely disassociated from my Pussy; even with all the masturbating and fucking, her and I were just not on the same wavelength.

After going through endless tests including but not limited to a Colposcopy, 2 LEEP procedures, removal of the lymph nodes in my Mesenteric region, continuous cycle birth control methods (in theory to stop the bleeding) and countless other tests and tricks, I was left with no choice but to opt for a hysterectomy.

So, as I turned 27, this was going to be my new reality.

At first my Doctor and I had decided to take out the Uterus and Cervix, leaving in the Fallopian Tubes, and Ovaries; he went in and scraped out all the Endometrium tissue, too. (Pretty severe Endometriosis)

I was officially diagnosed with Cervical Cancer, Uterine fibroid (about the size of a grapefruit), Ovarian cysts, and as mentioned, Endometriosis.

I jokingly said to my Doctor many times, the Gods really just didn’t want me to have children; a joke then, not so funny now.

It was about 3 weeks’ post-surgery when I was rushed back into the operating room to remove the Tubes and Ovaries that my body was rejecting; if I had waited any longer I would have risked septicemia because my body considered these organs foreign. Now, this meant going through surgically induced Menopause—as if natural Menopause isn’t bad enough.

I healed, physically at least, and tried to carry on with my reckless lifestyle; it didn’t last long. I was simply uninterested in sex, or at least the sex I was having, and well, my Pussy was different, I was different….life was different.

In October of 2013 I stopped having sex, and have not had sex since. I do however have an extremely active sex life, and I did manage to heal my Pussy and take my power back. I managed to do all of this by myself with some guidance and encouragement from my Sisters along the way.

You are probably thinking, all right, all right, so how do I heal my pussy?!

Funny you should ask…

  1. ACTIVATE YOUR ROOT AND SACRAL CHAKRAS! – Your Root and Sacral Chakras must start spinning again before any sexual revolution within yourself can take place. Often, activating these Chakras requires activating the Heart Chakra, too. When we are faced with severe trauma, emotional or physical, the first Chakra to go is the Heart. To help myself I invested in a Rose Quartz Yoni massage wand. It is two-fold: pleasure and healing. The Rose Quartz promotes self-love, calmness, healing and cleansing. I cannot say enough about massage wands and Yoni eggs. They both are based upon similar principles—healing the Yoni with sexual and gemstone energy. P.s Doing Kegels is also a good idea because it not only keeps the muscle tight, and the pelvic wall strong, it keeps us in tune with our Pussy. Some crystals that can help with sexual energy and particularly the Root and Sacral Chakras for such work are Garnet, Jet, Carnelian, Red Calcite, Red Tigers Eye, and Red Jasper. For the Heart Chakra I would suggest Rose Quartz, Ruby in Fuchsite, Peridot, Green Kyanite, and Green Fluorite.
  1. ACTIVATE YOUR KUNDALINI ENERGY! – This sounds much more complicated than it really is. The Kundalini is a Feminine energy that sits at the base of the spine; everyone has this energy within them, both Men and Women. When fully activated we are not only brought to a higher level of consciousness and awareness, we are brought to new sexual heights as well. The word itself comes from Sanskrit and means “coiled like a snake”. The activation of this Sacred energy must be done gently and with specific intention or you risk causing yourself severe back pain, and essentially, pissing off your Serpent. She can be brought to life, and coaxed to rise up by doing Kundalini yoga, but if yoga isn’t your thing, then the next best tip is to dance; focusing on your lower region. The type of dance you need to do should be freeform, without thought and extremely sweaty and sexual; you want to roll and rock your hips, you want to rub your hands on your body, and breasts, allow yourself to be taken over by the music and ecstasy. Some crystals to help activate the Kundalini are, Jet, Moldavite, Seraphinite and Serpentine. I would also suggest Rudraksha beads and/or some Shiva Lingam stones, as they are associated with Shiva and he not only carries the Serpent energy with him, he is the God of Yoga.
  1. MASTURBATE! MASTURBATE! MASTURBATE! – This is an essential part of overall health and too often people are scared to talk about it, let alone actually do it! Participating in regular masturbation sessions is good for the mind and body, but can also be used to help manifest desires, and cleanse the Root and Sacral Chakras. We cannot expect to be sexually fulfilled by another unless our own hand can do it to ourselves. It is when we become one with our Pussy (or Penis) that we can and will truly experience sex in all its glory. Touch yourself, find out where your sweet spots are, and in the process you may find some you didn’t even know you had. Try out different textures, too! This may be a little kinky for some, for me it seems like child’s play; feathers, latex, leather, rope, and silk are all enticing to our senses and can add to the experience. I also cannot recommend coconut oil enough. I hate to be *THAT* girl but it seriously is the best thing to hit the vagina since, well, forever. Make sure if you are going to use it for lube (with a partner or by yourself) that you invest in high quality, certified organic, cold pressed, virgin coconut oil. It sounds way more intimidating than it is, I promise. I found my HUGE tub for $9. The best part about this is the fact that it melts upon contact, and that in and of itself is a fucking turn on. It is instant delicious wetness, and usually a few degrees cooler than our body. It’s also much healthier for the body than the lubes sold OTC. Also, it is great when giving or receiving head. Try it, I bet neither you or your partner complain.
  1. MEDITATE! MEDITATE! MEDITATE! – This sounds like it is common sense for many on the spiritual path but it isn’t, at least not the kind of mediation where the Yoni is the focus. Most people when they think of meditation they only think about the mind, and focusing their intentions there, but we can and should be mediating with our Pussy as the focus, too. To do this you want to lay flat on your back on your yoga mat, towel, or whatever surface you choose. You want to bring the soles of your feet together, forming a diamond shape with your legs. Place one hand on your Pussy, and one hand on your Sacral Chakra (belly button region). Say out loud, “I release the pain of my past, I heal my Pussy, I take back the power of my Pussy, I am one with my Pussy, She is mine and mine alone.” Repeat until you actually believe it. After you have done this for a while move your hand from the Sacral Chakra and place it on your Heart. Say out loud, while your other hand is still on your Pussy, “I am open and receiving to self-love and love of another. I am worthy of this love. I am present here in this moment. I accept my Feminine Power. I take the Power back from those who tried to steal it from me.” Again, repeat until you believe it. This meditation can be personalized, and the Mantras changed but it should be practiced regularly; even if you are in a relationship, or if you are celibate like me, you want to make sure you still have a relationship with your Pussy.

It has now been 5 years since my hysterectomy and I am still relearning my body and what pleases me; it has not been easy but it has been one of the best, most rewarding journeys on my path. I draw from the Power of the Crone now and the Dark Goddesses have taken me under their wing.

I also draw from the Power of the Mother—and that has been a HUGE lesson for me. Just because I cannot have children, just because I never wanted children does not mean I am not a Mother, it does not mean I cannot be Mothering or that I am unworthy of such a task; it simply means my path to fulfilling the Mother role is different.

I am a Mother to all the misfits who feel like they have no place to go, who feel forgotten and cast aside by society.

I am a Mother to the people who wear their scars, both physical and metaphorical like battle wounds.

I am a Mother to those who hear the cry of the Wild and it stirs something deep within them.

I am a Mother to all the Women who will walk this earth after me because it is in my footsteps that they can find solace.

I am a Mother to all those who came before me, it’s in these words their voices can be heard because these words are the echoes of thousands.

To see my other blogs on Sacred Sex:

Masturbation and Magick: How I Healed Myself Through Touch

Celibacy and Magick: The Dynamic Duo of Sacred Sex

Sacred Sex: BDSM

About the Author

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Jaclyn Cherie is a Word Alchemist, Witch, Folk Herbalist, Shaivite Hindu, Torchbearer and Yogi with her roots planted in New York. © Jaclyn Cherie, Creatrix & Owner of The Nephilim Rising LLC (2015-2024)


Sacred Sex


Fuck yes. I love the perspective of reconnecting to & igniting our sexual energy just with ourselves, without needing partner sex to do so. So often we forget how to cultivate our turn-on as a personal practice. Also, a discretionary note: coconut oil is definitely NOT safe with condoms – all oil breaks down latex. Use only water based lubes with latex condoms.

Now off to practice that meditation you mentioned 😉

Liked by 1 person

Thank you, and you are right! I didn’t catch that mistake before. In case anyone reading this would like to know, Jojoba and/or Castor oil are compatible with condoms and will not change their effectiveness.


Ok, as far as I know, kundalini meditation is the transmutation of sexual energy, but you recommend to masturbate, my question is, if you masturbate, what energy are you supposed to transmitted during kundalini meditation?

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You would still use sexual energy when meditating, healing and charging yourself, as well as manifesting your desires. Sexual energy is not only present when intercourse is, and this seems to be a common misconception. In my experience this is the best healing energy we have.

What you can do is either absorb the orgasm back into yourself with intention to heal, or give you vitality; you may also say an incantation or spell the moment of orgasm and direct the energy at a specific person, or desire (as mentioned above).

Sexual energy is not just to be shared with a partner, it is first and foremost our own.


Having lived with kundalini 24/7 I can attest to the Ealing power of sexual energy-energy liberated so that it flows all through you, not just focused in the two base chakras. It is creative, and when allowed to reach high enough levels, leads to cosmic consciousness. Resting in our own energy is a great way since kundalini is a conscious fusion of our inner opposites of yin and yang….which drives desire, but when taking it higher, begins to be a liberating instead of enslaving force (as some view desire as bad). Bravo.


This surely is a blessing to come across I truly have been searching for information since 2013 and this right here is a awakening on a new discovery to life. Thank you for sharing

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I suffered Hysterctomy too in 2015. Suddenly everythig changed for me. I couldnt feel as before, not event lubricate nor pleasure. I lost my virginnity at 32 cause I was deeply involved in celibacy in relation with my spiritual work. But one I started to have sex well it became complicated and started to suffer problems. Did this have something to do with my partners too? Dont know. Nevertheless I was searching for some response
to all this trials. Thank deeply really.

Liked by 1 person

I’m late to this article but it’s amazing! So I guess I found it when I needed it.
I definitely want to try the meditation, it should help heal my heart and get my chakras working as they should because I can tell the lower ones aren’t functioning correctly (pain being the most obvious symptom).

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Thank you for sharing this wisdom. I am not coming from a place of hysterectomy, just a feeling of dissasociation with my sexual self and my feminine power. There is such truth and power in cultivating sexual energy outside of sex with a partner. We can heal ourselves where deep wounds reside and grow something so unshakable. Thank you


My only intention for leaving a comment was to make sure that this post still receives the life and recognition it deserves as true spiritual guidance. There is spoken word, but this is spoken from spirit, and written in word. I felt like this was for me just as you intended, and it will be for anyone who is guided diligently by their inner being to find it. Thank you, sending you love ✨


i too had a complete surgical hysterectomy at age 35. but i had already had my children. after breastfeeding, potty training, and cleaning, i found myself with little to mo desire for sex. my hubs and i went years without sex. eventually i moved my family away…across the country. by distancing myself from my mother and sister (who were unending sources of stress) i unknowingly flipped my sexual switch back to the ‘on’ position. now my hubs can barely keep up…i often joke about outsourcing for sex. i masterbate every day, sometimes multiple times. its awesome. im so thankful to be at this place in my life. i have definitely earned it.


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